Trendy styles and colours for a youthful look at all ages.

Prices starting at $169

for a complete pair with Single Vision lenses
including our SUPERIOR anti-glare
or $339
with Progressives. 

See details in store.


Prices starting at $169

for a complete pair with
Single Vision lenses
including our SUPERIOR anti-glare
or $339
with Progressives. 

See details in store.


Exlcusively at
Hudson’s Bay Optical.

Beautiful finishes, stunning colours, and all the latest styles.


Exlcusively at
Hudson’s Bay Optical.

Beautiful finishes, stunning colours, and all the latest styles.


Trendy styles and colours
for a youthful look at all ages.

Trendy styles and colours for a youthful look at all ages.

Made in Italy and starting at $169

with Single Vision lenses including our SUPERIOR anti-glare or $339 with Progressives.  


Made in Italy and starting at $169

with Single Vision lenses including our SUPERIOR anti-glare or $339 with Progressives.  


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